
About Dubrovnik Research Library

The Dubrovnik Research library (part of Dubrovnik Libraries) is a general-science institution aimed at research and scientific requirements of scholars, academic community and other members of the public who wish to use the funds, resources and services of the Library. The Dubrovnik Research library is also open and oriented towards cooperating with domestic and international agencies, associations and individuals with whom it shares mutual goals of developing science and research. 

The Research library operates on two locations: baroque palace Bassegli-Caboga in the Old town and renaissance summer villa Stjepović-Skočibuha in Boninovo, east of the city walls.



The baroque palace Bassegli-Caboga in the Old town Dubrovnik holds locally and nationally significant heritage collections (see under heading: Collections) which have been preserved and cultivated in the Research library since its foundation.  The palace is also the official seat of Dubrovnik libraries, with the Director's office, administration, accounting and IT department.


  • Loans and information department (Reading room)
  • Cataloguing department
  • Preventive care, restoration and digitization department


  • Incunabula
  • Old & rare books
  • Manuscripts
  • Correspondence
  • Ragusina
  • Visual arts collection
  • Musical sheets
  • Reference Collections
  • Croatian Legal Deposit Collection
  • General collections  


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